Rating: 3.3.2
Recommended audience: Mature teen to Adult (16+)
Category: Romance, thriller

Another fun read by Stephanie Meyer. Similar concerns as in the first two books. The physical aspect of Edward and Bella's relation gets a little more edgy in this book and I've said before that it concerns me. I know there are books out there that are much worse but I think this one is held to a higher standard because of the religious beliefs of the author. I think morally it gets a little gray in there but most unmarried people (teens or not) come up against these kinds of issues (pre-marital sex). With the standards of today's society, choosing to wait until marriage is not only almost unheard of, it can often be ridiculed. Edward and Bella deal with this issue, if not always in a mature way (Bella), they do at least make the right choice--in my humble opinion. :)
I have read all three books, and loved them. At the same time I have a hard time telling others to read them because the 3rd book in my opinion (because I expected more from the author) to completely not appropriate to the fan base that has been created, teens. I think the 3rd book takes it way to far for the teenagers to be reading
Yeah, it did get a little bit steamy in this book till it made me cringe. I'm also amazed that Edward has so much self-control but it's probably because he's so much older and mature than Bella. :)
Here's my review of Eclipse.
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