Showing posts with label thriller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thriller. Show all posts

Friday, March 5, 2010

Just Take My Heart by Mary Higgins Clark

Genre: Mystery/Thriller
Published: 2009, Audiobook
Source: Library
Review: 2.5/5 stars
I've read a lot of Mary Higgins Clark and there was a time when I would have said that she was one of my favorite authors. I don't know if she doesn't have "it" quite like she used to or if I'm the one who doesn't "get it" anymore. Just Take My Heart is Clark's latest bestseller in which a much loved star of the stage is murdered and her husband is blamed. Emily Wallace is the Assistant DA whose job it is to get a conviction. This is more of a courtroom drama than the usual Mary Higgins Clark fare so I'll give her credit for branching out but it just wasn't that compelling. The audiobook kept my attention and I was interested in the story but it fell a little flat. The ending was pretty predictable and even cheesy. If you want to read any of Clark's books I would try some of her earlier works. I remember them as being smart, suspenseful, and unpredictable. This one doesn't quite measure up.
Rating: 1.2.2

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

Category: Thriller, Mystery, Fiction
Published: 2009

Review: 3/5 stars

Dan Brown is finally back with a new book and I'm curious to see how many people will be disappointed. I listened to this on cds and I'm glad I did because I think I would have had a hard time getting through it otherwise. It wasn't bad, it just didn't captivate me like The Da Vinci Code did. I was into the 5th of 14 cds when I realized I was pretty bored so far. That is not what I expected. Also unexpectedly, Robert Langdon kind of got on my nerves. His scepticism was just too much for me.

Rating: 1.4.3 Includes the kind of violence you would expect in this genre. Scattered profanity but no f-bombs.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

New Moon by Stephanie Meyer

Rating: 2.3.2
Recommended audience: Mature teen to adult
Category: Romance

Another fun read but I did see it coming. I won't give anything away but this one seemed a little predictable to me because of fore-shadowing. Still, not all of it was predictable and it introduced some interesting characters. Bella drives me a little crazy because she just seems too dumb sometimes but, again, I'm afraid I identify with her stupidity a little too much sometimes, maybe that's why I can't stand it. I know some people who were quite bored with the middle of this book and I understand that opinion but I didn't think it was too boring. My biggest problem with this book though was the poor proofreading. There were so many errors that it really bugged me. I'm pretty nit-picky about that kind of stuff though so hopefully it doesn't bother you. Anyone know how I can get a job as Meyer's proof-reader?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

Rating: 2.3.2
Recommend audience: Adult and teens (16 and up)
Category: Romance, thriller

I really liked this book. It's exciting, romantic, suspenseful and a fun read. I gave it 4 stars because there were a couple of things that bothered me about it. I don't read a whole lot of young adult fiction so maybe this is not a valid point. I just felt like Bella's inferiority complex towards Edward is not a healthy example for teenage girls to be reading. I think it's pretty real because I was very similar as a teenager but I would hate to see that kind of thinking reinforced in teenage girls. Another problem I had with it is that even though there is no sex in the book, it is definitely titillating. I'm just not sure I would want my teenage daughter reading this and thinking that they can behave the way Edward and Bella do and not get too carried away. Their affection is innocent enough but eventually could lead to much more when two normal people are involved instead of a vampire with super-human powers. I know this is a soap box and I'm probably taking this all too seriously but when something is so hugely popular as this book, I think it can have a big influence on people. There's my take on it and I'd love to hear your opinion.