Genre: YA fiction, Fantasy
Published: 2010, 304 pgs.
Source: Personal library (I first read a borrowed copy but then bought my own)
Other info: Local author, book club selection
Review: 4.5/5 stars
I don't know if it stems from some personal fantasy of my own, but I'm a sucker for this kind of story. I'm talking about the stories where the plain, insignificant girl becomes a great heroine of a fantastic tale. The kind in which a girl who doesn't think much of herself comes to realize how wonderful and important she is. I love books like Jane Eyre and Precious Bane. All those Regency romances in which the little spinster snags the heart of the handsome rake are my guilty pleasures.
When one of the ladies from my book club suggested Forbidden Sea because she knew the author and thought that she would come to our discussion, I have to admit that I was skeptical. I really didn't think I would like a "mermaid" book. What I discovered as I started reading was that this was not a book about mermaids as much as it was a wonderful coming-of-age story of an interesting and lovable heroine. The book hits the ground running as fourteen-year-old Adrianne is out on a stormy beach searching for her missing younger sister when she encounters a beautiful but sinister mermaid trying to kidnap her sister. The story unfolds from there as she tries to figure out the mystery of the mermaid and why she wants her sister, Cecily, while at the same time trying to take care of her family which depends on her despite her young age. There's adventure, unrequited love, mystery, and all the makings of a great story.
Sheila Nielson did come to our book club and it was so fun. She is awesome and I'll tell you all about it in another post. I highly recommend this book to all lovers of YA fiction. After I came home so excited about our book club meeting my husband decided to read it and he really liked it, too.
Rating: 1.1.1 A perfectly clean read. The mermaids are even fully clothed! :)
That really was a lot of fun. Sheila is awesome! And I'm glad you liked the book as much as I did.
I'm glad you posted a review for this book. I'm so slow at posting reviews lately that I had to give up my copy, and didn't get around to reviewing it. I loved the twist at the end.
Thanks for this review, Kim! I will put this one on my TBR list because I think I will eventually read it with my daughter, especially since it's clean. And how fun to have had the author come to your book club!
Kim!!! Long time no see/email/etc. I have a book recommendation for you. It was recommended by a friend whose book group did it. One of the ladies in that group knows the author. I read and loved it. Then we did it in my book group and everyone there loved it as well. It is privately published but the AF system has a copy. "Gravity vs. The Girl" by Riley Noerhen (I think I spelled that right?) If you want to buy it you can get in on Amazon. The writing is excellent and the subject matter is relevant. I haven't recommended a book so highly in two years. Also, it has a happy ending so that's a plus. :) Let's meet up sometime. I don't have your # anymore. Phone got stolen. Email?
I'm glad you gave this book a good review. A friend recommended it to me, but I had my doubts until you wrote that it's good.
Just finished this last night. It was great. Super clean, fun read. And I'm a sucker for those books too. Probably because i'm plain jane and am just waiting for the prince...or Denn :-)
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