Saturday, April 4, 2009

Paralyzed plus a blog award

I have an unfortunate character flaw. When I have a lot to do and I feel overwhelmed, I end up becoming paralyzed and unable to do anything. This happens with housework all the time. I slack off a little and things start to pile up and before I know it the house is a complete disaster. Instead of just digging in and cleaning it all up, I usually end up reading or watching TV all day and it just gets worse. It's like I don't know where to start so I just don't.

I feel that way about my blog lately. I have so many books to review, including several from last year, that I've just started avoiding the computer. Of course the situation just gets worse because during the time away from the computer I've added another half a dozen books to that list of titles that I need to review.

My point is, I'm sorry for the lack of activity on here lately. During my absence I received a very appreciated award from Sharon. She was so nice in giving me an "I Love Your Blog" award. She is a children's and teen's librarian and has a fantastic blog over at SherMeree's Musings.

I'm supposed to pass this award on to 7 other blogs that I love. I'm so bad at this kind of thing but I'm going to give it a try. I probably won't do 7 though.

My favorite book blog is probably ChainReading. I have been reading it since I first stumbled into the blogging world. Shelley has great concise reviews that don't give too much away, a wonderful variety of books, and she seems like the kind of person I would love to live next door to. I wish we could be in a face-to-face book club together.

Suey at All About Books is a blogger whom I've actually met. She's a very consistent blogger and seems to have a ton of energy. She reads a lot of everything and I really enjoy all her posts.

Jeanette is another favorite that I've been reading for quite a while. She reviews a lot of classics, children and YA fiction, and non-fiction and fiction alike on her blog A Comfy Chair and a Good Book. I admire her for her wide range of interests and her inclusion of so many non-fiction books. I need to follow her example.

That's all I have time for right now. There are so many more great blogs out there that I really enjoy but if I don't post this soon, I won't post it at all.

Here are the rules to keep the award moving:
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs!


Shelley said...

I figured you hadn't been posting much lately because you were training for a marathon or something! I'm so glad you like my blog. Most of the time I feel like my reviews are pretty retarded! I'm just like you with housework. If we did live next door to each other, we wouldn't have to worry about impressing each other with housekeeping skills!

KT said...

Sorry you are feeling overwelmed.

Some of my favorite reviews ever are 5 or 7-word reviews that people (like Chain reader) do. Maybe you could knock off a few that way?

Good luck

Shelley said...

I had to comment again because last night I read a post about not using the "R" word--retarded, and I remembered that I said my reviews were "retarded". I would never think of calling someone who is mentally disabled retarded, but I do think the word can be offensive used in other ways as well. So scratch what I said. I'm resolved not to use the "R" word anymore.

caribookscoops said...

Kim, I could have written the part about being overwhelmed and paralyzed, only I call it frozen, you know the deer in the headlights feeling. So Yeah I can totally relate.