Wednesday, April 22, 2009

DI Treasures

Hello, my name is Kim...and I'm a book addict. (I would say I'm a bookaholic but I don't actually partake of bookahol. Hee! Hee!) My husband has been working out of our home for almost a year building up a new company. We're doing a little better financially now but things have been pretty tight for a while. I've tried to cut back on a lot of things and I've been moderately successful but one thing that I haven't been able to control is my book addiction. I find my car automatically driving to the DI (Deseret Industries-a local thrift store) and I end up inside scouring the shelves for books. I don't need them, I haven't even read many of them but I can't seem to help myself. When I went yesterday I found some real treasures that I'm excited about and I need to commit myself to reading them soon.

My favorite find is Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust by Immaculee Ilibagiza. It is in pristine condition. Rarely do I find books that look this good at the DI. I listened to this book on cds last year and I'm so glad to own it now.

I also found copies of Anna Karenina, Tess of the D'urbervilles, Great Expectations, and Jane Eyre. I'm always glad to find good copies of classics. I'm also excited about The Maugham Reader that I found. It's a collection of books, stories and plays by W. Somerset Maugham. I've been wanting to read The Painted Veil ever since I read Shelley's review last year. I almost forgot Davita's Harp by Chaim Potok. That one is another must read after last month's reading of My Name is Asher Lev.

I know I probably need to stop buying books and after such a successful trip maybe I can hold myself back for a while. We shall see.


KaseyQ said...

I am currently bookless (not reading anything), but you've given me a few ideas. We have a Goodwill outlet near us that has all paperback books for $0.25 and all hardbacks for $0.50. It's so hard! I shouldn't buy any more books because I have no place to put them! That's why I usually stick to the library. Someday I'll have my own library and I'll buy books and more books and fill it up. :-)

melissa @ 1lbr said...

Oh how I love to buy books! I go crazy in good used book stores (good thing there aren't too many around me :)

melissa @ 1lbr said...

I gave you an award today - go here!

Suey said...

Ah... one of my favorite things to do too, though I haven't been in awhile. I've found some great ones at the DI.

Laura H said...

We have a DI here in town but I recently went to the one in St George and it was a GOLD MINE!!!! My sister had just ordered Hatchet from Amazon and we found one at the DI for .75 cents.

Natasha @ Maw Books said...

The DI is my all time favorite place to buy books. I go at least once a week! And great score on Left to Tell. I'd love to add that one to my library one day.

TisforTonya said...

haha - you could be describing me... although I usually use the term "lit-addict" just to keep 'em guessing!

Love to drop by DI when my book budget has been depleted (and then some)... I'm lucky to live close to a new library AND DI so there's always piles of books waiting to be reviewed and read!

R Allen said...

I tell myself that I buy books because they are cheap and because if there were a disaster and we had no electricity, we would still be able to read the 600+ books I have amassed.

They are in piles all over the place and my husband does not like it.