Monday, January 14, 2008

The Wednesday Letters by Jason F. Wright

Rating: 1.1.1
Recommended audience: Teen to adult
Category: Inspirational romance

Here's another good, clean read from our friend Jason Wright, author of Christmas Jars. This book is sweet, with fun and funny characters that make you wish you could know them. The story is a little far-fetched at times (the Elvis story?...come on!) but sometimes that's what fiction is all about I guess. The story is about the letters that a husband wrote to his wife every Wednesday through-out their marriage. At the beginning of the book the elderly couple both die on the same night of separate causes. When their three grown children come home for the funeral they discover these letters and learn many things about their parents that they didn't know. This is a light, fun and quick read, nothing earth-shattering but good.


Jason Wright said...

Nothing earth shattering? You're killing me here! ;)

Thanks for the mention, nonetheless!

Kim said...

Hi. I thought you might see my review. It really is a pretty good book, great premise, and fun characters. It's just not my preferred genre. I can see why it's a bestseller though and I'll be watching for your next book. I will also mention it to my mil--she'll LOVE it.

Jason Wright said...

Well thanks, and believe it or not I love the honesty. World needs a whole lot more of it!

labrown71 said...

Just finished reading The Wednesday Letters...what an awesome book! I laughed...I cried...but really enjoyed this book! I am 37 and have lived in Woodstock VA all my life so it was neat to know the locations referred to in this book. Haven't read The Christmas Jars yet but can't wait to get to the library to check it out. Keep writing...can't wait for the next book!!!