Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Cat Who.... mysteries by Lilian Jackson Braun

Rating: 2.2.2
Recommended audience: Adult
Category: Mystery

Now I have to admit, these books are fluffy, but I just like them. When I'm in the mood for an easy read or a mystery that won't leave a sick feeling in my stomach (Mary Higgins Clark does that to me sometimes), I turn to books like these. I've read many of these "Cat who" books and some are a little better than others but I like most of them. I'm not even a cat lover but the two cats are pretty interesting and their owner Jim Qwilleran is very interesting. The characters are so quirky and fun and I love to quess "who done it." There are a lot of recurring characters so its fun to start at the beginning and just see how you like it. I've listened to a few on CD's and they're probably even better than the books. They're not the kind of books I would go out and buy but I can guarantee any decent sized library would have them all.

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